"90% of the Game is Half Mental" -- Yogi Berra

Relationships are tricky.

Circumstances can be challenging. 

All of this causes lots of stress and anxiety.

That’s why this rigorous coaching program is designed to equip you with simple but effective tools to help you improve improve your relationships with difficult people and reduce your stress in challenging situations.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) offers a unique approach to staying calm no matter who or what comes your way.

In this seven-week coaching program, you'll learn how to feel more relaxed and focused while relieving stress whenever life throws curve balls at you.

You'll gain practical tools for managing challenging people or circumstances with ease.

As a result of this program, you'll have the confidence and poise needed to succeed anywhere without getting overwhelmed or burnt out by pressures.

Scroll down to learn more about how Positive Intelligence can unlock your inner strengths and help you deal with difficult people and stressful situations easily.

What is PQ?

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a revolutionary mindfulness-based program that improves your ability to reduce stress, improve relationships, and generate more happiness and well-being.

The program is based on the latest neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and performance science breakthroughs.

It's been validated by over a million participants from 50 countries. 

PQ shows you how you "sabotage" yourself and your relationships.

You learn to handle difficult people and challenging circumstances by employing empathy, curiosity, innovation, and laser-focused action. 

Your full participation in this revolutionary coaching program will improve your relationships and reduce your stress.

That's a promise!

Why it Matters NOW!

You're under increasing stress.

Your relationships are fraying. 

The environment is shifting and changing.

In the face of all this uncertainty, you can learn to be calm and focus on the action necessary to flourish and thrive - personally and professionally.

Assess Where You Are

How Positive Are You? (Really)

Take this 2-minute Assessment to measure the strength of your Sage Powers.

Proven Results


Healthier Relationships

(92% of participants report better relationships)

Improved Communications

(94% of participants report reduced conflict)

A Calm, Clear, and Happier Mind

(95% of participants report greater happiness, and 91% report reduced stress)

Dramatic Increases in Performance and Productivity

(92% of participants report better teamwork and collaboration)  

PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science tested by over 1 million individuals in 50 countries, including thousands of leaders and their executive teams from the corporate, nonprofit, and government sectors.

Program Schedule


Practice 15-minutes a Day

Each weekend, you watch a video lesson with New York Times bestselling author and Stanford University Professor Shirzad Chamine

You access the PQ Phone App for 15 minutes from Monday through Friday to strengthen your PQ.

You will join a live video session with a PQ Coach on Thursday or Friday.


Week 1: Boost Your Self-Command Muscle

In the first week, you learn innovative 10-second mindfulness practices. These practices enable you to settle yourself so that you can respond to challenging circumstances and difficult people more effectively.  

Week 2: Intercept the Judge Saboteur

You'll intercept and weaken the most damaging Saboteur, the Judge. You discover how judging yourself, others, and circumstances is a crucial source of stress and damage to your performance and relationships. Most participants discover that their judge is far more prevalent and harmful than they suspected.

Week 3: Intercept your Accomplice Saboteurs

This week, you intercept and weaken the top accomplice to your Judge Saboteur, identified through the Saboteur Assessment from the following: Avoider, Controller, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Rational, Hyper-Vigilant, Pleaser, Restless, Stickler, Victim.  

Week 4: Shift From Saboteur to Sage

After weakening your Saboteurs, it is now time to strengthen your Sage. Your Sage generates all your positive emotions, improves relationships, reduces your stress and achieves peak performance through a calm and clear mind.  

Week 5: Boost the Sage Powers

The Sage has several primary powers, including empathy, curiosity, and laser-focused action. Analogous to the three primary colors, these Superpowers form the basis for all of the emotional intelligence competencies considered crucial improving relationships and reducing stress. 

Week 6: Take Clear-Headed, Laser-Focused Action

This week, you will practice identifying what is necessary in the moment and then taking clear-headed, laser-focused, decisive action. Nonprofit leaders who take action from a Sage perspective achieve extraordinary results.

Week 7: Sustain the Momentum

In this final session, you discover how to continue using your PQ tools for various work and life applications.

Your Certified Coaches

David Langiulli uses his courage, compassion, and wisdom as an experienced Certified Professional Coach (CPCC, PCC) to help leaders and their organizations flourish and thrive. Especially in the face of uncertainty and change. As an Executive Coach, David's been described as: "gently fierce!" Before starting Fundraising Leadership, David led a team of ten development professionals at Princeton University responsible for raising $35million each year for the University. Before this, he served as the Chief Development Officer for Stony Brook University's College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.  In the for-profit world, David transformed a division of an early-stage entrepreneurial company in San Francisco, where he built and led a team of three dozen researchers, artists, engineers, and marketing managers. He’s a graduate of the Coaching Training Institute's Leadership and Coaching programs. He holds master’s degrees in business and engineering and an undergraduate degree in mathematics and physics-engineering.  Fun-Facts: David is a world master's champion in Jiu-Jitsu on a 10-year quest for a black belt and an author of several books on leadership and personal development. David found his way to the PQ Gym when reading Positive Intelligence in 2013.  Since then, he has quieted his inner critic (a.k.a., "Sledgehammer") and loves to help clients weaken their own Saboteurs.


Michelle Maloy Dillon (CPCC, PCC) is a certified professional coach who is passionate about helping clients be aware of their strengths and impact as conscious leaders. She has over twenty years of entrepreneurial business experience and brings a playful and creative mindset to her engagement with individuals and their organizations. As a coach, Michelle holds a PCC certification through the International Coach Federation (ICF) and a CPCC certification through the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI). She is also a CTI faculty member. As a volunteer, Michelle provides coaching to United Nations humanitarian staff located around the world.

Margaret Katz Cann is a Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).  She specializes in executive fundraising coaching, board training, and consulting, Margaret works with nonprofit executives to stop tripping over their ask, to connect to passion and leadership – and step into the world of compelling fundraising. Margaret is an experienced and joyful fundraiser, having spent 22 years at the Community Foundation Boulder County. She is passionate about the intersection of coaching with fundraising, and the way leaders who are willing and wanting to up their game can step away from anxiety and dread can step into their leadership as fundraisers for their organizations. Her nonprofit clients include executive directors, board members, and development staff, where she works with organizations to plan and then adds coaching to make the plans become reality.

Your PQ Coaching Sessions


Research indicates a 500% increased likelihood of establishing positive new habits when supported by an accountability partner. 

Every client in the PQ Program is matched with a Certified Coach to ensure your success.

You'll meet once a week with your PQ Coach to discuss learning and growth. 

Coaching Session Dates, Time, & Duration

Clients meet live via Zoom Video with their Coach on a  Thursday or Friday for 50 minutes, having already watched the weekly video session and engaged with daily practices on the App. 

What People Say About This Program

"I've completed several personal growth and professional development programs.  The daily practice causes ease and flow in my life.  Mental fitness gets to the root cause of many unskillful behaviors.  It gives me simple, practical tools for dealing with life's challenges."

"The Positive Intelligence (PQ) model is a brilliant breakthrough as it defines, measures, and improves your awareness of your performance and happiness. It also helps solve the mystery of why so many smart people fail to succeed."

"I’m so much more effective and have so much less stress in every area of my life — from blowing past targets at work to far more fulfilling relationships at home."

"This has been the most impactful training I ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience."

“This has been a profound growth experience. I now consistently feel joy and calm while handling the many challenges of running my team."

"It was a wonderful program that pushed boundaries and helped me become more grounded."

"You can please some of the people sometimes, but you can't all the people all of the time!"

"Learning the PQ framework has given me tools that have transformed how I see challenges, support teams as a manager and leader, and even experience life with family and friends.

"It's transformational and provides tools to change your life."

"This program changed my life!  I read Positive Intelligence several years ago and took the Saboteur Assessment.  Both were helpful at the time.  However, it wasn't until I participated in the 7-week program that I could have compassion and empathy for myself (my inner critic was VERY strong).  Although "self-love" is still a stretch, I now know that I am worthy of love - from myself and others."

"What is new and life-changing is the ‘mind control,’ the ability to ‘let go’ when any negative feelings take over. This program has allowed me to be in the driver's seat of my life."

"I have experienced a new sense of energy, engagement, and possibility both at work and at home — and I am actually getting full nights of sleep!"

"I am much calmer and have greater happiness than I have felt in years. I feel physically lighter, and my energy is higher. Sage is now present all of the time. I sleep better, eat better, exercise better."

"All my life, I thought my high achievements were impossible without feeling constant stress. I’ve now learned to achieve even more with a calm and clear mind. I’m now enjoying every day, not just the final accomplishments."

"I learned not to sweat the small stuff!"

“Insightful, reflective, and provoking!”

"I felt comfortable with and confident in the coaching through the PQ program. The content challenged my way of looking at things. My coach brought it all full circle in our weekly meetings. It's definitely one of those programs you carry with you after completion."

What's Included?

You will have free, unlimited, and exclusive access to the PQ Phone App for the duration of the program.

The App helps you build one small mental muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits.

The App tracks your daily progress and provides personalized daily coaching tips that will encourage and challenge you to keep going.

Schedule Your 7-Week PQ Program


Learn How You Sabotage Yourself

Take this Free 5-min  Assessment to see how you sabotage yourself.