By Homaira Kabir
(This blog represents the research and area of expertise of the author, a leading expert on the science that underpins women’s confidence and leadership. We hope the men who choose to read this will get something out of it!)
Are you struggling with confidence? Rest assured, you’re not alone. But how do you build back your confidence and overcome your confidence crisis?
If you’re like a lot of women I meet, you probably wonder what happened to the confidence you once had. And you might be wondering what you can do to build back your confidence to the level it once was.
You’ll remember the days when you felt pretty good about yourself. Things seemed to be under your control—you were doing well, you had time to do things you enjoyed, and you know what, you even liked the way you looked.
And now you’re exhausted and overcommitted.
You compare yourself to others and feel worse about yourself. [Read more…]